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viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

A game that I play as a child (a now to)

Hello everyone today I will talk about a game that I used to play some years ago.  I spend my childhood in the Chilean north in Calama. This city was really boring, because you don’t have anything to do, except to travel across the dessert which is really beautiful, but a little bit difficult for a kid. So I spend a lot of time played with my friends in the streets, games like football, and all the game outdoor. But this time I want to talk a board game that I learned in one summer vacation with some friends, this game is called ATAQUE and is strategy game, in this game the board is a world map and the pieces are armies and the game goal is conquest the world or conquest some continents or defeat other army, is a nice game. For defeat the others armies you have roll the dices and the bigger number wins, but if you have more armies that your opponent you have more possibilities to win.

 I know this game when I have like 11 years old, more or less.

And, is really fun talk about this game because when I was a child I only played one time, but this year I found the game in a store and I bought it, and now I play with my family, and I start to speak about this game a lot of people know it!, so in summer I pretend to do a meeting and play this board game with my friends.

I hope you enjoyed this story.

See you!

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

A job taht I will like to do

Hi everyone to day I will talk about a job that I will like to do. Well today I want to tell you about a job that I was thinking these last days.  Since I buy my bike I learn a lot of this vehicle because I buy it for parts and then with some friend we built it. So I was thinking to work in a bike store or in a bike garage, I imagine that work in there is really fun, also I can learn a lot of staff about bikes and I can help people when they want to buy a bike or repair it.

Anyway I don’t know in with garage or store bike need someone and I don’t investigate yet, because this idea to work in something related with bikes come to my mind just a few days ago.

About the qualities that I will need if I get this job I guess that, if I work like a sale man in a bike store I need some social abilities for talk and motivated people to buy something and if I work in a bike garage I can guess that I need some knowledge about the built of bike actually I only know the minimum about the last point but I can say that I will learn really quick so I hope if I do it I will be good at this job.

I don’t know who inspired me to get into the bike world, I just remember that one day I decide to take my old bike and start riding and after that all change (JAJAJA) so I start to ride more.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post
See you!

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

A Walk

Hi everyone today I will talk about a walk that I did some weeks ago. The last week of October I went to ENEG the meeting of geography were met with the entire student who study geography is a really nice experience to go because to know some people and you learn a lot, in different activities like presentation or in different activities outdoor.

And this year the ENEG was in Universidad Catolica here in Santiago and you can choose one of a lot activities outdoors, but today I want to talk about the activities outdoor that I went. I went to the park La Campana was a really nice and intense walk, was really fun and I learn a lot because we went with a teacher of Universidad Catolica and when we were walking the teachers was teaching us different staff about geography obviously. We walk like 16 kilometres was really nice but also was really tiring.

I will like this walk again because the place is really beautiful and quiet, so I will want to go anytime just to spend time in the nature.

I recommend this walk and I recommended go to the next ENEG because you learn a lot of staff and know a lot of interesting people.

I can say that this is, like, the first official walk that I did, that doesn’t say that I never did a walk before but is the first that I walk with an end.

i dont have pictures about this walk , but a friend draw the group who went to this walk and there is a picture of that (JAJAJAJAJAJ).

I hope you enjoyed walks!
See you!

Free post Chico Terry

Hi everyone!
Today I must talk about a free topic, so I will tell you about Chico Terry. Chico terry is our football team here in FAU and the last week Chico Terry played the final match versus Rat Squad another team of geography, was a  really intense match because no one team want to give space to play so the first time ended without goals.  But the second one wasn’t easy actually was a really hard and difficult match. Well at the end Chico Terry wins and all of us were really happy, of course.  And when the match ended we went to ate “choripanes” and drank some beer was a really nice afternoon.

Well that was the last match of Chico Terry. Continue talking of Chico Terry this is conformed for all the people of our generation, 2012.  Also is really fun to play match with the team because we are all friends so we always have a nice time playing football in the FAU “stadium” (JAJA). We are a “professional” team we have our own t-shirt and also we have one painting who shows the face of Chico Terry and have the name of the team wrote, is really fun and every time we play we hang it near the field. Like we are a football team of our generation when we play a lot of colleague go to see us and most of time they sing some songs about the team.

I hope you enjoyed this post.
See you!

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The Future

Hi everyone today I will talk about my future which is a really hard topic to talk, at least for me. Really I don’t where I am going to be in 10 years, maybe I will be in working in some place or I don’t know JAJA, but let’s try to imagine.

I hope that in 10 years I can still living in Santiago, because I already live other smaller cities and I prefer to live here in Santiago because you always have something to do and most of my friends and family live here. But I don’t know if I must to go to live to other city I guess I will do.

I don’t know exactly which occupation I will have but I can say that I going to be working like a geographer in some place.

I hope that in 10 years I going to be living alone, with alone I mean without my parents in my “own” house, I put inverted commas round own because I don’t know if I going to have a house(or a flat ) or I will be renting one.  Which doesn’t mean that I am going to be alone maybe I will be living with some friends or my girlfriend, actually I don’t know.

Well like a conclusion I can say that my future, like you read it, is really uncertain but I may say that I hope that I will be doing the staff that I like more and having a quiet life.

See you!

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

27 F


Hi everyone today I will talk about the earthquake of 27F.

Actually I don’t have like an interesting story because I wasn’t in my house. In this earthquake I was on vacation in house friends in Iquique so I don’t stay in a place affected for this natural disaster.

I remember that on the earthquake night I went to a party with my friends and I come back to home when the earthquake in Chile already happened, and a few minutes later a friend who live in Santiago call me and I look my phone and thing “He must be really drunk for be calling me on these hour” so I don’t answer (JAJAJA), He actually was concern about me and my family but I never imagine what could be happen in Chile.  

I remember that when I wake up I went to took breakfast but in the way to the kitchen the mom of my friend told me that a really big earthquake has been occur in Chile, but she told me too that my parents were ok too. I was really scared because I can’t talk with my parents who were in Chillan and the TV news wasn’t really encouraging. I remember that the news shows all Santiago destroyed.

In two more days I and my brother must return to our home in Santiago and we had ticket to come back in airplane, but the airport was close. So we spend like four days more in Iquique with my friends, but we, me and my brother was really concerned about our family and friends.

Finally we come back too Santiago and met with our family and friends, and all of them was ok. So at the end I can say that my story is not the most interesting story because I wasn’t in a place affected by the earthquake, actually I don’t feel anything in Iquique.

A sad and funny meal



Hi everyone today I want to talk about a meal that I remember.

I going to tell you a sad and at the same time fun story.

Ok, like 3 years ago, more or less, I was really sick so I went to the doctor and him do it to me a lot of exams, short story he decided to hospitalize me. This was like one week before christmas. I spend like a week in the hospital in observation because the doctors doesnt know what I had, but they think that maybe could be       appendicitis. So I pend that week with cant ate anything even I cant drank water or anything so I had connected serum. After this week they decided to operated me, after this they discavered that I dont had appendicitis but for some reason I was better.

After one day I come back to my house but I cant ate solid food, remember that It was christmas, so talking about a meal I remember that meal was really boring because I had to ate only baby food (JAJAJA). An interesting detail is that how I did not eat anything is the last week the baby food was really tasty (JAJAJA) so at the end I happend a good time with my family.

So that is my story now sound is funnier, I hope that in the nearest future I dont have to eat baby food in christmas again.

See you!

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

I visit…

Hi everyone today I want to talk about a lake or beach that I have visit. Ok, today I will talk about when I visit the Titicaca lake in Peru, was at January and I was with my girlfriend, one friend and my brother.

Was a really nice experience because we never imagine the size of this lake, is huge, and we not only sail it we also slept in an amazing build island. These fake islands are made with totora and you can find many of them, and each island is for one family is really beautiful saw all those little island divided on the lake.

We slept in one island and were really fun, because all was made for totora, the bed, the house, the floor, everything. I remember that we ate in this island too and we ate fish, which they have in a little nursery, been really delicious. But we couldn’t stay a long time out of the house because, in the night was really cold so we went to bed really early.  And in the morning we wake up took breakfast and some minutes later we decide to swim in the lake, was funny because all the people was look at us, I guess nobody swim in the lake. Then we juggling a little bit and at 12 o clock, more or less, we take a boat and came back to Puno (nearest coast) and continue with that trip. Was a nice experience that I recommended to all.

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

I want to learn...

Hello bloggers today I will talk about a something that I would like to learn.  Is really fun write about this today because on this morning I was thinking about this.

On this last years I have the idea to learn how to play accordion and is really funny because in this morning in the bus a guy was playing the accordion, so I was really close to go to buy a little accordion today; some days a guy sell little accordions in portugal street, so I thing that those instrument will be perfect to start playing, because are cheaper than the real ones.  But I can’t buy it today because I was quite late to the class, but I will try to buy it in a few weeks.

I want to learn how to play this instrument because I thing that sound really beautiful and also I can have something like a new beginning with music, some years ago I used to play piano, but since I have 14 years I stop playing I don’t know why. So this instrument seems perfect to start again with the music. I don’t know how many time I have to practice to learn also I don’t know how I will learn because I don’t know a teacher so I thinking to search some help online.

I may say that the most difficult problem that I have to resolve for paly this instrument is get one accordion because these are really expensive, but I will learn someday or I hope so.
See you!

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Fiestas patrias.

Hi everyone today I will talk about how I celebrate fiestas patrias.
Most of the times I celebrate this holiday with my family and sometimes with some close friends too.

Well, I must talk about a special celebration but actually I don’t have a special one, so I will tell you about how my typical holidays are and why I enjoy so much this week.

Actually are really simple, when I used to live in the Chilean north I spend this holiday only with my mom, dad and brother because most of my family live in Santiago so we were really far away. But I have a lot of nice memories about this celebration because with my family we are really close.
Since I live in Santiago, about 6 years, I spend this holiday with my grandparents and some aunts and uncles. Is really fun because we laugh a lot and we eat a lot of nice things, well typical food of this holiday’s jajaja.

Sometimes in the night I met with some friends and we go out or staff.

I can say that the thing which I enjoy more is the food and the meetings.

I hope you have a nice time.


viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

My first blog

Hi blogger we meet again and today I will talk about my winter vacation.

This Winter vacation was really useful to rest and sleep a lot, also I met some school friends, but not all of them because when I was on vacation most of my friend were in class.

So I have just one week in common with my best friend, two with my girlfriend and none with my brother. But I enjoyed a lot my vacation I hang out with my friend, stay and watch some movies with my girlfriend (we hang out a lot too).

Another think that I did in my winter vacations was gone to Cajon del Maipo with my college friends was really fun but a little bit cold. We have a lot of fun going to the river and staff, but in the night my girlfriend got sick and I had to take care of her (of course), but in general was a really nice trip, a little bit short because only was one night.

Another fun staff that I did in my vacations was play paintball with some college friends was really exciting and fun, was so exciting that we play with hangover (a big one  JAJA) but in the field game we was like on fire (JAJA).

So that was my all vacations, I hope that everyone had a good time too.

lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

English blog experience

English Blog Experience

Hi blogger today Im going to talk about my experience doing this blog.

It was really fun wrote every week, because I have to remeber old stories and old friends. Also was really fun read my friends blog because I can know about some trips or friends or hobbys that they have and, in some case, I shared with them.

Another funny stuff was read the comment and answer  the doubt  that appear every week in my blog.

Also was relly usefull to practice my english, because every week I must write a blog note and comment my friends blog, so I have to practice my writing and reading compression in english.

I think that my favourite post was all post who talk about trips or friends (including parties), because was really helpfull to remind me some good times and nice experience.

Like I have my favourite post also I have my least favourite post and, I guess that, this would be the post who talk about technology because Im not a big fan of this, but at the end was really fun too write this blog note.

So I can tell you that is really nice to write a blog because, how I mention before, is fun and help you to keep practice your english.

lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

A TV Show (from when you were young)

A TV Show (from when you were young)
Hi bloggers today I want to talk about a Tv show that I watched when I was a kid.
Is a little bit difficult choose a TV programs because I don’t watched a lot of TV when I was young. But of course I have my favourite show and I thing that this show is Pokémon. This show, that I assumed that every know at least a little beat was about a kid Ash Ketchum who is a Pokémon coach who start a travel with the objective to become a Pokémon master. This serie I wached when I was really young actually I have like six or seven years old. I really don’t know why I liked but I remember that one time I have a customs days in my school (one weekend) and I decided to go like Ash Ketchum the protagonist of the series JAJAJA was a good day still today remember my mom cut and tint with aniline my gloves (Ash used to wear a similar gloves). I will search some picture of this day, but I don’t remember that anyone take me a photo (If I find one I will upload it JAJA) 

A song

Hi blogger today I must talk about my favourite song but actually I don’t have anyone. So I must talk about a song who mean something for my but is really difficult for me choose just one, so I will tell about to artist that sound like every week in my house.
My parents enjoys a lot with the music so every weekend they took advantage of it and play they music. So in my house you will always listen to Silvio Rodrigues or Ismael Serrano. Both are really good a now I enjoy a lot his songs not only because both are good music player also because when I listen the music I remember my childhood. Now I like a lot this music and sometimes I listen by myself, just a few years ago I start to really listen the lyrics of those songs and when I start to listen it this music start to be more interesting and nice than before.
So that is I hope everyone have a song or a band that remind a good time or the childhood or make feel good. Also I hope that you can listen, someday, those artist are really good.

A good Book

Hi Blogger today I’ll talk about a really good book that I read few years ago.
Well this books is called El Fantasista for Hernan Rivera Letelier.
I read it because my dad recomendad to me when i was like 13. He is a really good reader and also we have like  the same opinions about diferents book that we already read so I try to read all the books that he recomended to me but I cant read it all because he read really fast and a lot the same with my mom (who, like my dad recomend a lot of books).
Ok continue with the history of this book, well this book is about a football team in the chilean north. Is really great because is ambiented in the salitreras times so is really nice, in the way that the autor really makes you feel in the place, you feel like you was in tose times, and is really hard.
I really enjoyed this book. I think that was because I read because I want to and no because someone ask me to do it (but actually I enjoy a lot of “school” books). So I can took all the time that I want to read it. I think that I really enjoy this book because is about the chilean north, place where I live near ten years so was really easy for my imagine all the places described for the autor


Hi everyone today I’ll tell you about a great hollidays that I have like three years ago (more or less). I guss that I actually already talked about this place, but today I’ll do it with a few more details.
All started in my house I was playing some computer games and drinking a few beer with a friend when an another friend called to me and told me that he was in Santiago (he was in Arica few days ago). So this friend call me and we decided to go to La Serena, so we took some clothes, food and camping staff and went to the bus terminal and buy a ticket to La Serena.
We came to La Serena really early so we decide to sleep in the bus terminal. When we wake up we remind a friend who told us about a great place near La Serena, so we call him.
We bought 3 ticket to Pisco Elqui, the place that our friend tell us. We arrive and went to a not really nice camping (jaja). We decided to go to this camping because looks that all the people party. And was like that we party like week, every days. We met a lot of people , actually I met my girlfriend here jaja funny history.

A Field Trip

Hi bloggers today I’m going to talk about my favorite place in Santiago.
Well when I was a kid I used to live in the Chilean north (Calama and Iquique), but all my family actually live in Santiago (most of it) so every years I came to Santiago to visit them . Was really nice came to Santiago because I wasn’t used to saw big buildings, the people (a lot), and the rain most of time I went to Santiago in winter and of course see my family.
Ok continue with my favorite place in this big city is can say that is my grandma house. My grandma house is located in Cerrillos and every time that I came to Santiago I stay there.  Is really nice to go because all my family live in the same neighborhood so every days we took tea together.
I try to go every time that I had some times but with the university (all the studies) I cant go every week, but I still going every 2 weekend (more or less).
Obviously I continue visit my grandpa, always is comfortably is like my second house I feel really good when I am here. So this is my favorite place in Santiago, place that I hope can visit always. 

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

London Eye

Hi every one today I want to tell about a big spinning ring . Well this weird of ring is the London eye. 
London eye is in London, in a side of river Tamesis and if you live in London or you want to get there you must take the tube (subway) to the Waterloo station and then you only need to walk a few steps. Another important retail is that this atraction cost like 38 pounds, more or less. When you are inside the london eye you almost can see all London for a few minutes. And I guess that this is the more interesting  thing of this atraction because I thing that is like the only posibility to see almost all London, or a big part of it.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

A Party!

Hi bloggers today I’m going to talk about a great party!
Actually this party was in Chilean north in the little town Pisco Elqui, I went when I have 17 and was really fun.
I went to a camping in the village with two friends. We came to this village recommend for other friend and our originals idea were travel for Chile (Valle del Elqui and start to down visiting different places). But our idea fails when we got to the camping. The camping was so cool was a lot of people in there and every night sound some music and all people was party all day. So our idea to travel for Chile ends here.
Really we weren’t celebrating anything we just having a nice time.
We party like a week in this place, was a little bit intense
We have a really good time here, we know a lot of different people actually I met my girlfriend in this trip.
I always recommended Pisco Elqui because, you have in the same village a lot of things to do, you can you to a good party in one camping also if you want to sleep you can go other camping (are a lots of quiet and nice camping), you can go to visit some distillery or ypu can go to some night walk and see the star (you can do this walk in a horse).

lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

Uros island

Hi blogger today I want to talk about a great an amazing building   were a lot of people actually live there.

I want to talk about Islas de Totora in Peru, well this are little island exist in Titicaca Lake. The most interesting thing of this island is that they are really made with totora and the people who live in the island made the island with his hands. In the island all construction is of totora, the land of the island is totora, the house are for  totora even the beds are made of totora. Is fantastic I love it because it was so weird and a lots of people live in those island.
I meet this island on my last summer vacations actually I slept there was a really nice experience.
The local people of this island are shy but they are a really good people, they love the island and don’t want to leave them. They like the quiet style of live that brings it.
Well continue with building, the island was like 15 meter for 15 meters (more or less) and on this island were the little houses. The island floats on the lake and don’t start to “sail” because all the island are connected with a point that are stuck.  


A Friend

Hi today I want to talk about my friend Martin. First of all I want to tell you that we doesn’t call him Martin and we call him Ferby, like the little old toy that was like a bird. The origins of this nickname started on the school and was because when he was younger he really look like this weird bird. Well continue with the story, I met Martin at school when we were like 14 years old, we were classmates. Now we are a really close friends because we have the same hobbies and he is easy going. I thing is for this thinks we are so close.

Now he is living in Talca but we still in touch, obviously less than when he live in Santiago, because he was my neighbor so we hang out a lot on those times. When he was living in Santiago we like to juggle a lot or play some soccer and other staff like that.
Actually we come to Santiago for some weekends is like one weekend for three month.
Although we doesn’t saw us like before we still are like best friend, actually on this summer he join me in the trip to Bolivia.

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

A Picture.

Hi Bloggers today I want to talk about a picture that I took last year.
In the picture you can see a little dog but the interesting thing here is the hystory of this little dog. Now I’m going to tell you. One day I was walking to a friend house and decide to take a differnt way, all was normal but in one corner I saw a little dog, was really cute so I started to stroke him waiting his owners but they never came so I decided to call my friend. 

He was a little bit angry but came where I'm, when he saw the dog he understand my. So there we were in the street with a little dog and we doesnt know what to do because I already have a little dog (and my house have a very little yard) and him have a old dog and also was leaving the city in a month. Short story we make some juggling on the street for own some Money and pay a veterinary for the dog, then we try to gift the little dog but wasn’t easy (I took the picture for gift the dog). We couldnt gift the dog. So what happens with the dog?, now is living with my friend mom in her house and his is really happy.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

A Concert

Hi today I’m going to talk about a concert that I went like 5 years ago with some friends when we were still in the school.
The concert was called “Crush power music”, because is a concert support for the drink Crush. This concert shows different bands in Movistar Arena and the tickjet doesn’t cost more than $3.500. I went with two friends (Andres y Alvaro) and was really fun because played a lot of “cumbia” band like Villa Cariño, Chico Trujillo, Los Auntenticos Decadentes and like 7 more bands. Was really fun because we dance a lot with the different kind of music. Another funny history is that we buy the cheapest ticket so we had really bad seats but why tried to jump to a better seats and before a lots of attempts we got it and was a lot more fun because we saw all the stage and we had more space to jump and staff.

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

My summer trip

Hi everyone, today I'm going to tell you about my summer journey.
On this summer I went to Bolivia and Peru with a friend, my girlfriend and my brother.
We stay like a month and we travel for all Bolivia and a little bit for Peru.
But today I'm go talk about Toro-Toro a National park near Cochabamba (Bolivia).
Well this trip was amazing, the parks is really beautiful and have a lot of things to do, for example one day we went to a cave, amazing we had to creep and was so funny.
Other day we meet French couple and we went to “El Vergel” a walk who take like 8 hours, walk who end in a beautiful waterfall where we took some photos and then we swam. In this walk we also saw some rock painting and later we saw some dinosaur footstep on rock.
The trip was really funny and I think that we enjoyed so much because all of as love to be outdoors.

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

Little report

In Russia a lot of people had been injured for a weird explosion caused for meteor hit.
The meteor itself doesn’t injure the people, the real damage was caused for the shock wave who blew out the windows caused injured to many peoples.

My cellphone

Well I could say that my cellphone is like my favorite technology piece. Although I don't a really technology lover, but, my cellphone is really useful in diary my life.
I got this last year and I try to always bring it with me.
My phone isn't the best phone in the market, but is ok for me. Is really useful, I can listen music, call some friends or my girlfriend also I can play some video game on it and sometimes I can connect to Wi-Fi and use internet. I think that I like a lot my cellphone because is really useful in many ways, like in my free time or when I came to university and listen some music and also I used to download music. So my conclusion is that my cellphone is an important think in my life, but I can live without it.

sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013

Juggling for kids

Juggling for kids
Hi everybody today I'm going to talk about how juggling is a really good exercise to help kids of all ages to do some sport outside, socializing with other boys and this exercise is really good helping kids to focus. Juggling is a nice exercise because you use your muscle and your mind, so is really complete, when you star to play with any juggling toy, you must have all your concentration on your play or you are to get lose. So this is helpful to help kids to improve they concentration and get used to be concentrate for a long time, is really nice this excercise because is a natural way to teach boys to focus.