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lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

A Field Trip

Hi bloggers today I’m going to talk about my favorite place in Santiago.
Well when I was a kid I used to live in the Chilean north (Calama and Iquique), but all my family actually live in Santiago (most of it) so every years I came to Santiago to visit them . Was really nice came to Santiago because I wasn’t used to saw big buildings, the people (a lot), and the rain most of time I went to Santiago in winter and of course see my family.
Ok continue with my favorite place in this big city is can say that is my grandma house. My grandma house is located in Cerrillos and every time that I came to Santiago I stay there.  Is really nice to go because all my family live in the same neighborhood so every days we took tea together.
I try to go every time that I had some times but with the university (all the studies) I cant go every week, but I still going every 2 weekend (more or less).
Obviously I continue visit my grandpa, always is comfortably is like my second house I feel really good when I am here. So this is my favorite place in Santiago, place that I hope can visit always. 

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