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viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

My first blog

Hi blogger we meet again and today I will talk about my winter vacation.

This Winter vacation was really useful to rest and sleep a lot, also I met some school friends, but not all of them because when I was on vacation most of my friend were in class.

So I have just one week in common with my best friend, two with my girlfriend and none with my brother. But I enjoyed a lot my vacation I hang out with my friend, stay and watch some movies with my girlfriend (we hang out a lot too).

Another think that I did in my winter vacations was gone to Cajon del Maipo with my college friends was really fun but a little bit cold. We have a lot of fun going to the river and staff, but in the night my girlfriend got sick and I had to take care of her (of course), but in general was a really nice trip, a little bit short because only was one night.

Another fun staff that I did in my vacations was play paintball with some college friends was really exciting and fun, was so exciting that we play with hangover (a big one  JAJA) but in the field game we was like on fire (JAJA).

So that was my all vacations, I hope that everyone had a good time too.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Tito!! your post it's very entertaining because you told all the things with our classmates hahaha, I would have love go to Cajon :( Bye

  2. In my holidays I sleep so much jaja
    Hey! change the color of your blog, I can't read jajajaj

  3. Hi Titito, a great post,I already want to be on vacation again jaja
