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lunes, 8 de julio de 2013


Hi everyone today I’ll tell you about a great hollidays that I have like three years ago (more or less). I guss that I actually already talked about this place, but today I’ll do it with a few more details.
All started in my house I was playing some computer games and drinking a few beer with a friend when an another friend called to me and told me that he was in Santiago (he was in Arica few days ago). So this friend call me and we decided to go to La Serena, so we took some clothes, food and camping staff and went to the bus terminal and buy a ticket to La Serena.
We came to La Serena really early so we decide to sleep in the bus terminal. When we wake up we remind a friend who told us about a great place near La Serena, so we call him.
We bought 3 ticket to Pisco Elqui, the place that our friend tell us. We arrive and went to a not really nice camping (jaja). We decided to go to this camping because looks that all the people party. And was like that we party like week, every days. We met a lot of people , actually I met my girlfriend here jaja funny history.

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