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lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

A Concert

Hi today I’m going to talk about a concert that I went like 5 years ago with some friends when we were still in the school.
The concert was called “Crush power music”, because is a concert support for the drink Crush. This concert shows different bands in Movistar Arena and the tickjet doesn’t cost more than $3.500. I went with two friends (Andres y Alvaro) and was really fun because played a lot of “cumbia” band like Villa Cariño, Chico Trujillo, Los Auntenticos Decadentes and like 7 more bands. Was really fun because we dance a lot with the different kind of music. Another funny history is that we buy the cheapest ticket so we had really bad seats but why tried to jump to a better seats and before a lots of attempts we got it and was a lot more fun because we saw all the stage and we had more space to jump and staff.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Tito, The crush power music was a very nice moment to have a nice day with friends and music, nice bands, it's most have be very funny.

    See ya

  2. Before the "crush power music" bands had good, but now I don't like the bands that play in this. I like metal! jajajaja

  3. Hi tito,this concert was very cheap, for this reason you attend jajaja

  4. Sounds fun. I've seen Chico Trujillo a couple of times but I haven't seen that many Cilean bands.
