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viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

A sad and funny meal



Hi everyone today I want to talk about a meal that I remember.

I going to tell you a sad and at the same time fun story.

Ok, like 3 years ago, more or less, I was really sick so I went to the doctor and him do it to me a lot of exams, short story he decided to hospitalize me. This was like one week before christmas. I spend like a week in the hospital in observation because the doctors doesnt know what I had, but they think that maybe could be       appendicitis. So I pend that week with cant ate anything even I cant drank water or anything so I had connected serum. After this week they decided to operated me, after this they discavered that I dont had appendicitis but for some reason I was better.

After one day I come back to my house but I cant ate solid food, remember that It was christmas, so talking about a meal I remember that meal was really boring because I had to ate only baby food (JAJAJA). An interesting detail is that how I did not eat anything is the last week the baby food was really tasty (JAJAJA) so at the end I happend a good time with my family.

So that is my story now sound is funnier, I hope that in the nearest future I dont have to eat baby food in christmas again.

See you!

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