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lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

English blog experience

English Blog Experience

Hi blogger today Im going to talk about my experience doing this blog.

It was really fun wrote every week, because I have to remeber old stories and old friends. Also was really fun read my friends blog because I can know about some trips or friends or hobbys that they have and, in some case, I shared with them.

Another funny stuff was read the comment and answer  the doubt  that appear every week in my blog.

Also was relly usefull to practice my english, because every week I must write a blog note and comment my friends blog, so I have to practice my writing and reading compression in english.

I think that my favourite post was all post who talk about trips or friends (including parties), because was really helpfull to remind me some good times and nice experience.

Like I have my favourite post also I have my least favourite post and, I guess that, this would be the post who talk about technology because Im not a big fan of this, but at the end was really fun too write this blog note.

So I can tell you that is really nice to write a blog because, how I mention before, is fun and help you to keep practice your english.

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