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lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

A song

Hi blogger today I must talk about my favourite song but actually I don’t have anyone. So I must talk about a song who mean something for my but is really difficult for me choose just one, so I will tell about to artist that sound like every week in my house.
My parents enjoys a lot with the music so every weekend they took advantage of it and play they music. So in my house you will always listen to Silvio Rodrigues or Ismael Serrano. Both are really good a now I enjoy a lot his songs not only because both are good music player also because when I listen the music I remember my childhood. Now I like a lot this music and sometimes I listen by myself, just a few years ago I start to really listen the lyrics of those songs and when I start to listen it this music start to be more interesting and nice than before.
So that is I hope everyone have a song or a band that remind a good time or the childhood or make feel good. Also I hope that you can listen, someday, those artist are really good.

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