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lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

My cellphone

Well I could say that my cellphone is like my favorite technology piece. Although I don't a really technology lover, but, my cellphone is really useful in diary my life.
I got this last year and I try to always bring it with me.
My phone isn't the best phone in the market, but is ok for me. Is really useful, I can listen music, call some friends or my girlfriend also I can play some video game on it and sometimes I can connect to Wi-Fi and use internet. I think that I like a lot my cellphone because is really useful in many ways, like in my free time or when I came to university and listen some music and also I used to download music. So my conclusion is that my cellphone is an important think in my life, but I can live without it.

2 comentarios:

  1. Sounds like you get good use out of your phone Tito. When did you buy it?

    1. mmm Is funny story, I buy my cellphone like two yars ago but one day I was going home from a party and some guys stole my phone, but a few months later I can bougth again. So this phone have like 1 year, maybe a little more
