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lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

English blog experience

English Blog Experience

Hi blogger today Im going to talk about my experience doing this blog.

It was really fun wrote every week, because I have to remeber old stories and old friends. Also was really fun read my friends blog because I can know about some trips or friends or hobbys that they have and, in some case, I shared with them.

Another funny stuff was read the comment and answer  the doubt  that appear every week in my blog.

Also was relly usefull to practice my english, because every week I must write a blog note and comment my friends blog, so I have to practice my writing and reading compression in english.

I think that my favourite post was all post who talk about trips or friends (including parties), because was really helpfull to remind me some good times and nice experience.

Like I have my favourite post also I have my least favourite post and, I guess that, this would be the post who talk about technology because Im not a big fan of this, but at the end was really fun too write this blog note.

So I can tell you that is really nice to write a blog because, how I mention before, is fun and help you to keep practice your english.

lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

A TV Show (from when you were young)

A TV Show (from when you were young)
Hi bloggers today I want to talk about a Tv show that I watched when I was a kid.
Is a little bit difficult choose a TV programs because I don’t watched a lot of TV when I was young. But of course I have my favourite show and I thing that this show is Pokémon. This show, that I assumed that every know at least a little beat was about a kid Ash Ketchum who is a Pokémon coach who start a travel with the objective to become a Pokémon master. This serie I wached when I was really young actually I have like six or seven years old. I really don’t know why I liked but I remember that one time I have a customs days in my school (one weekend) and I decided to go like Ash Ketchum the protagonist of the series JAJAJA was a good day still today remember my mom cut and tint with aniline my gloves (Ash used to wear a similar gloves). I will search some picture of this day, but I don’t remember that anyone take me a photo (If I find one I will upload it JAJA) 

A song

Hi blogger today I must talk about my favourite song but actually I don’t have anyone. So I must talk about a song who mean something for my but is really difficult for me choose just one, so I will tell about to artist that sound like every week in my house.
My parents enjoys a lot with the music so every weekend they took advantage of it and play they music. So in my house you will always listen to Silvio Rodrigues or Ismael Serrano. Both are really good a now I enjoy a lot his songs not only because both are good music player also because when I listen the music I remember my childhood. Now I like a lot this music and sometimes I listen by myself, just a few years ago I start to really listen the lyrics of those songs and when I start to listen it this music start to be more interesting and nice than before.
So that is I hope everyone have a song or a band that remind a good time or the childhood or make feel good. Also I hope that you can listen, someday, those artist are really good.

A good Book

Hi Blogger today I’ll talk about a really good book that I read few years ago.
Well this books is called El Fantasista for Hernan Rivera Letelier.
I read it because my dad recomendad to me when i was like 13. He is a really good reader and also we have like  the same opinions about diferents book that we already read so I try to read all the books that he recomended to me but I cant read it all because he read really fast and a lot the same with my mom (who, like my dad recomend a lot of books).
Ok continue with the history of this book, well this book is about a football team in the chilean north. Is really great because is ambiented in the salitreras times so is really nice, in the way that the autor really makes you feel in the place, you feel like you was in tose times, and is really hard.
I really enjoyed this book. I think that was because I read because I want to and no because someone ask me to do it (but actually I enjoy a lot of “school” books). So I can took all the time that I want to read it. I think that I really enjoy this book because is about the chilean north, place where I live near ten years so was really easy for my imagine all the places described for the autor


Hi everyone today I’ll tell you about a great hollidays that I have like three years ago (more or less). I guss that I actually already talked about this place, but today I’ll do it with a few more details.
All started in my house I was playing some computer games and drinking a few beer with a friend when an another friend called to me and told me that he was in Santiago (he was in Arica few days ago). So this friend call me and we decided to go to La Serena, so we took some clothes, food and camping staff and went to the bus terminal and buy a ticket to La Serena.
We came to La Serena really early so we decide to sleep in the bus terminal. When we wake up we remind a friend who told us about a great place near La Serena, so we call him.
We bought 3 ticket to Pisco Elqui, the place that our friend tell us. We arrive and went to a not really nice camping (jaja). We decided to go to this camping because looks that all the people party. And was like that we party like week, every days. We met a lot of people , actually I met my girlfriend here jaja funny history.

A Field Trip

Hi bloggers today I’m going to talk about my favorite place in Santiago.
Well when I was a kid I used to live in the Chilean north (Calama and Iquique), but all my family actually live in Santiago (most of it) so every years I came to Santiago to visit them . Was really nice came to Santiago because I wasn’t used to saw big buildings, the people (a lot), and the rain most of time I went to Santiago in winter and of course see my family.
Ok continue with my favorite place in this big city is can say that is my grandma house. My grandma house is located in Cerrillos and every time that I came to Santiago I stay there.  Is really nice to go because all my family live in the same neighborhood so every days we took tea together.
I try to go every time that I had some times but with the university (all the studies) I cant go every week, but I still going every 2 weekend (more or less).
Obviously I continue visit my grandpa, always is comfortably is like my second house I feel really good when I am here. So this is my favorite place in Santiago, place that I hope can visit always.