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lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

Uros island

Hi blogger today I want to talk about a great an amazing building   were a lot of people actually live there.

I want to talk about Islas de Totora in Peru, well this are little island exist in Titicaca Lake. The most interesting thing of this island is that they are really made with totora and the people who live in the island made the island with his hands. In the island all construction is of totora, the land of the island is totora, the house are for  totora even the beds are made of totora. Is fantastic I love it because it was so weird and a lots of people live in those island.
I meet this island on my last summer vacations actually I slept there was a really nice experience.
The local people of this island are shy but they are a really good people, they love the island and don’t want to leave them. They like the quiet style of live that brings it.
Well continue with building, the island was like 15 meter for 15 meters (more or less) and on this island were the little houses. The island floats on the lake and don’t start to “sail” because all the island are connected with a point that are stuck.  


A Friend

Hi today I want to talk about my friend Martin. First of all I want to tell you that we doesn’t call him Martin and we call him Ferby, like the little old toy that was like a bird. The origins of this nickname started on the school and was because when he was younger he really look like this weird bird. Well continue with the story, I met Martin at school when we were like 14 years old, we were classmates. Now we are a really close friends because we have the same hobbies and he is easy going. I thing is for this thinks we are so close.

Now he is living in Talca but we still in touch, obviously less than when he live in Santiago, because he was my neighbor so we hang out a lot on those times. When he was living in Santiago we like to juggle a lot or play some soccer and other staff like that.
Actually we come to Santiago for some weekends is like one weekend for three month.
Although we doesn’t saw us like before we still are like best friend, actually on this summer he join me in the trip to Bolivia.

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

A Picture.

Hi Bloggers today I want to talk about a picture that I took last year.
In the picture you can see a little dog but the interesting thing here is the hystory of this little dog. Now I’m going to tell you. One day I was walking to a friend house and decide to take a differnt way, all was normal but in one corner I saw a little dog, was really cute so I started to stroke him waiting his owners but they never came so I decided to call my friend. 

He was a little bit angry but came where I'm, when he saw the dog he understand my. So there we were in the street with a little dog and we doesnt know what to do because I already have a little dog (and my house have a very little yard) and him have a old dog and also was leaving the city in a month. Short story we make some juggling on the street for own some Money and pay a veterinary for the dog, then we try to gift the little dog but wasn’t easy (I took the picture for gift the dog). We couldnt gift the dog. So what happens with the dog?, now is living with my friend mom in her house and his is really happy.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

A Concert

Hi today I’m going to talk about a concert that I went like 5 years ago with some friends when we were still in the school.
The concert was called “Crush power music”, because is a concert support for the drink Crush. This concert shows different bands in Movistar Arena and the tickjet doesn’t cost more than $3.500. I went with two friends (Andres y Alvaro) and was really fun because played a lot of “cumbia” band like Villa Cariño, Chico Trujillo, Los Auntenticos Decadentes and like 7 more bands. Was really fun because we dance a lot with the different kind of music. Another funny history is that we buy the cheapest ticket so we had really bad seats but why tried to jump to a better seats and before a lots of attempts we got it and was a lot more fun because we saw all the stage and we had more space to jump and staff.

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

My summer trip

Hi everyone, today I'm going to tell you about my summer journey.
On this summer I went to Bolivia and Peru with a friend, my girlfriend and my brother.
We stay like a month and we travel for all Bolivia and a little bit for Peru.
But today I'm go talk about Toro-Toro a National park near Cochabamba (Bolivia).
Well this trip was amazing, the parks is really beautiful and have a lot of things to do, for example one day we went to a cave, amazing we had to creep and was so funny.
Other day we meet French couple and we went to “El Vergel” a walk who take like 8 hours, walk who end in a beautiful waterfall where we took some photos and then we swam. In this walk we also saw some rock painting and later we saw some dinosaur footstep on rock.
The trip was really funny and I think that we enjoyed so much because all of as love to be outdoors.