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viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

A job taht I will like to do

Hi everyone to day I will talk about a job that I will like to do. Well today I want to tell you about a job that I was thinking these last days.  Since I buy my bike I learn a lot of this vehicle because I buy it for parts and then with some friend we built it. So I was thinking to work in a bike store or in a bike garage, I imagine that work in there is really fun, also I can learn a lot of staff about bikes and I can help people when they want to buy a bike or repair it.

Anyway I don’t know in with garage or store bike need someone and I don’t investigate yet, because this idea to work in something related with bikes come to my mind just a few days ago.

About the qualities that I will need if I get this job I guess that, if I work like a sale man in a bike store I need some social abilities for talk and motivated people to buy something and if I work in a bike garage I can guess that I need some knowledge about the built of bike actually I only know the minimum about the last point but I can say that I will learn really quick so I hope if I do it I will be good at this job.

I don’t know who inspired me to get into the bike world, I just remember that one day I decide to take my old bike and start riding and after that all change (JAJAJA) so I start to ride more.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post
See you!

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

A Walk

Hi everyone today I will talk about a walk that I did some weeks ago. The last week of October I went to ENEG the meeting of geography were met with the entire student who study geography is a really nice experience to go because to know some people and you learn a lot, in different activities like presentation or in different activities outdoor.

And this year the ENEG was in Universidad Catolica here in Santiago and you can choose one of a lot activities outdoors, but today I want to talk about the activities outdoor that I went. I went to the park La Campana was a really nice and intense walk, was really fun and I learn a lot because we went with a teacher of Universidad Catolica and when we were walking the teachers was teaching us different staff about geography obviously. We walk like 16 kilometres was really nice but also was really tiring.

I will like this walk again because the place is really beautiful and quiet, so I will want to go anytime just to spend time in the nature.

I recommend this walk and I recommended go to the next ENEG because you learn a lot of staff and know a lot of interesting people.

I can say that this is, like, the first official walk that I did, that doesn’t say that I never did a walk before but is the first that I walk with an end.

i dont have pictures about this walk , but a friend draw the group who went to this walk and there is a picture of that (JAJAJAJAJAJ).

I hope you enjoyed walks!
See you!

Free post Chico Terry

Hi everyone!
Today I must talk about a free topic, so I will tell you about Chico Terry. Chico terry is our football team here in FAU and the last week Chico Terry played the final match versus Rat Squad another team of geography, was a  really intense match because no one team want to give space to play so the first time ended without goals.  But the second one wasn’t easy actually was a really hard and difficult match. Well at the end Chico Terry wins and all of us were really happy, of course.  And when the match ended we went to ate “choripanes” and drank some beer was a really nice afternoon.

Well that was the last match of Chico Terry. Continue talking of Chico Terry this is conformed for all the people of our generation, 2012.  Also is really fun to play match with the team because we are all friends so we always have a nice time playing football in the FAU “stadium” (JAJA). We are a “professional” team we have our own t-shirt and also we have one painting who shows the face of Chico Terry and have the name of the team wrote, is really fun and every time we play we hang it near the field. Like we are a football team of our generation when we play a lot of colleague go to see us and most of time they sing some songs about the team.

I hope you enjoyed this post.
See you!

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The Future

Hi everyone today I will talk about my future which is a really hard topic to talk, at least for me. Really I don’t where I am going to be in 10 years, maybe I will be in working in some place or I don’t know JAJA, but let’s try to imagine.

I hope that in 10 years I can still living in Santiago, because I already live other smaller cities and I prefer to live here in Santiago because you always have something to do and most of my friends and family live here. But I don’t know if I must to go to live to other city I guess I will do.

I don’t know exactly which occupation I will have but I can say that I going to be working like a geographer in some place.

I hope that in 10 years I going to be living alone, with alone I mean without my parents in my “own” house, I put inverted commas round own because I don’t know if I going to have a house(or a flat ) or I will be renting one.  Which doesn’t mean that I am going to be alone maybe I will be living with some friends or my girlfriend, actually I don’t know.

Well like a conclusion I can say that my future, like you read it, is really uncertain but I may say that I hope that I will be doing the staff that I like more and having a quiet life.

See you!