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viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

27 F


Hi everyone today I will talk about the earthquake of 27F.

Actually I don’t have like an interesting story because I wasn’t in my house. In this earthquake I was on vacation in house friends in Iquique so I don’t stay in a place affected for this natural disaster.

I remember that on the earthquake night I went to a party with my friends and I come back to home when the earthquake in Chile already happened, and a few minutes later a friend who live in Santiago call me and I look my phone and thing “He must be really drunk for be calling me on these hour” so I don’t answer (JAJAJA), He actually was concern about me and my family but I never imagine what could be happen in Chile.  

I remember that when I wake up I went to took breakfast but in the way to the kitchen the mom of my friend told me that a really big earthquake has been occur in Chile, but she told me too that my parents were ok too. I was really scared because I can’t talk with my parents who were in Chillan and the TV news wasn’t really encouraging. I remember that the news shows all Santiago destroyed.

In two more days I and my brother must return to our home in Santiago and we had ticket to come back in airplane, but the airport was close. So we spend like four days more in Iquique with my friends, but we, me and my brother was really concerned about our family and friends.

Finally we come back too Santiago and met with our family and friends, and all of them was ok. So at the end I can say that my story is not the most interesting story because I wasn’t in a place affected by the earthquake, actually I don’t feel anything in Iquique.

A sad and funny meal



Hi everyone today I want to talk about a meal that I remember.

I going to tell you a sad and at the same time fun story.

Ok, like 3 years ago, more or less, I was really sick so I went to the doctor and him do it to me a lot of exams, short story he decided to hospitalize me. This was like one week before christmas. I spend like a week in the hospital in observation because the doctors doesnt know what I had, but they think that maybe could be       appendicitis. So I pend that week with cant ate anything even I cant drank water or anything so I had connected serum. After this week they decided to operated me, after this they discavered that I dont had appendicitis but for some reason I was better.

After one day I come back to my house but I cant ate solid food, remember that It was christmas, so talking about a meal I remember that meal was really boring because I had to ate only baby food (JAJAJA). An interesting detail is that how I did not eat anything is the last week the baby food was really tasty (JAJAJA) so at the end I happend a good time with my family.

So that is my story now sound is funnier, I hope that in the nearest future I dont have to eat baby food in christmas again.

See you!

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

I visit…

Hi everyone today I want to talk about a lake or beach that I have visit. Ok, today I will talk about when I visit the Titicaca lake in Peru, was at January and I was with my girlfriend, one friend and my brother.

Was a really nice experience because we never imagine the size of this lake, is huge, and we not only sail it we also slept in an amazing build island. These fake islands are made with totora and you can find many of them, and each island is for one family is really beautiful saw all those little island divided on the lake.

We slept in one island and were really fun, because all was made for totora, the bed, the house, the floor, everything. I remember that we ate in this island too and we ate fish, which they have in a little nursery, been really delicious. But we couldn’t stay a long time out of the house because, in the night was really cold so we went to bed really early.  And in the morning we wake up took breakfast and some minutes later we decide to swim in the lake, was funny because all the people was look at us, I guess nobody swim in the lake. Then we juggling a little bit and at 12 o clock, more or less, we take a boat and came back to Puno (nearest coast) and continue with that trip. Was a nice experience that I recommended to all.